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career development
in chailease, we will conduct performance assessment and career development survey for all employee no matter gender or grades.
all employees, regardless of gender, undergo evaluations for regular performance and career development every year. benchmarking assessments and individual performance appraisals focus on balancing organizational needs with the employee’s personal objectives. these are used as the basis for individual areas of specialty, career development, employee performance guidance, and other aspects that the company emphasizes year after year. they ultimately comprise the career development and individual development plan.
talent development stems from a comprehensive training system that includes core training, managerial training, and specialized training programs. in addition to mentor-trainee programs, internal events feature talks from top professionals sharing their experiences to the next cohort of employees.
personnel training consists of core functions training, management training, and professional functions training, resulting in a complete education and training system. this, combined with mentoring and excellent internal lecturers system allows us to transmit knowledge and experience. in 2019, annual employee training hours total 276,375.62 hours (only taiwan and china) and every employee received an average of 43.5 training hours.