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human rights protection
in september 2018, the chailease human rights policy was approved and is a symbol of the company’s dedication to the maintenance of worker rights, opposition to any form of discrimination, commitment to providing a safe, healthy workplace, and establishment of a smooth and transparent communications channel.
assessing human rights risks
chailease holding adopts systematic approaches to identify the potential risk of human rights violations which might interfere with the business. our primary focus includes:
- working hour
- child, forced or compulsory labor
- gender discrimination
- workplace violence
- workplace sexual harassment
- labor dispute
- occupational safety and employee health
- maternity protection
we take effort to engage in careful due diligence on actual and potential business partners and ask them to do the same with their own business partners in order to elevate transparency. since our business partners are required to achieve highest standards, our operation is not considered to be at risk of human rights violations.
human rights norms are a part of our due diligence. therefore, the cross-divisional working group has established a checklist on due diligence for external business partners, mainly focusing on critical suppliers. it includes guidance on performing a risk assessment, incorporating a human rights assessment and implementation framework.
all chailease holding’s subsidiaries are required to include human rights norms in their regular risk assessment and to apply them in line with a risk-based approach.
in 2020, chailease holding developed a human rights due diligence process to identify critical suppliers with a high potential for human rights violations. our goal is to truly identify which higher risks are relevant to critical suppliers and to develop corresponding mitigation plans. well-designed approaches can provide the necessary transparency for the high-level suppliers in the supply chain.
goals and performance
we strive to establish long-term relationships with our suppliers. with those suppliers being identified as higher risks, we have started dialogues and formulated detailed mitigation plans case by case. with our assessment and the assistance of suppliers, we have identified zero suppliers as higher risks. at present, chailease holding has formulated mitigation plans for these high-risk suppliers; also keep tracking of the operation of suppliers that are not included in high-risk suppliers, and adjust the setting of risk factor whenever necessary.
under circumstances, chailease holding conducts audit checks or ask for human rights compliance statements from the high-risk suppliers, in order to ensure our expectations in human rights and other sustainable principles is met by our suppliers. we expect to complete 1 audit checks, or obtain human rights compliance statements by the end of 2020. in addition, we intend to ensure the implementation of improvement measures through a follow-up mechanism. if a high-risk supplier is unable or unwilling to improve despite our support, we may terminate the partnerships with it.
reporting human rights violations
employees and business partners are requested to speak up and report incidents if they believe in good faith that someone relevant to chailease holding may be involved in something that violates our ethical or human rights principles. whistleblowing channels were established for employees, clients and suppliers of chailease holding and all subsidiaries, to report incidents of fraud, illegality and violation of human rights or the code of conduct to the company via the formal report system. once the content of the report is confirmed, we will take appropriate corrective actions. if an incident involving human rights concerns is confirmed, it should be reported to the board of directors and the corporate governance committee, explaining the details of the incident and reporting contingency measures.
human rights training
human rights training for internal employees has been increased. for example, new hires receive training and education regarding corporate ethics, including the company code of conduct and classes related to business operations, including working hours, gender equality, and other human rights considerations. in 2019, new hires attended a total 65,445.8 hours (human rights protection issues accounts for approximately 11%).
a sexual harassment prevention and complaint coordination mechanism was also established. email accounts were set up for department heads, to enhance employee training and concept promotion, helping to prohibit any form of gender harassment, discrimination, or other acts of intimidation. moreover, staff incentive and disincentive measures were outlined and then implemented by the human resources committee. no major human rights violations occurred in 2019.
in 2019, our subsidiary chailease finance established labor-management meeting guidelines, in accordance with the labor standards act and regulations for implementing labor-management meeting. the same year, chailease finance held elections for labor representatives. labor and management representatives serve as delegates at labor-management meetings during their four-year terms. labor representatives can be reelected and management representatives can be assigned for multiple terms. labor-management meetings must be held at least once every three months.
contracting of employees is as per all labor laws and regulations, and employees are guaranteed all labor rights. for example, in taiwan, if there is a change to an employee's work content or location, notice must be given at least one week in advance, and various helps, subsidies, leave time or pre-service training provided. if a worker is unable to do his or her job, there is a transfer or a shrinkage of duties, notice period is determined by seniority, with a minimum of 10-30 days previous notice required.